


Hi all,
Sorry for the spam.
We were looking for some puromycin powder for our experiments in the lab. I would really appreciate it if anybody could help me with some. I would return the same amount back as soon as our order arrives.


Hi all
Sorry for the SPAM.
Does anyone have a ××× antibody in the lab that works well for western from human samples? I just need a few uls for one experiment.
Please let me know and thanks in advance.


Hi All,
Sorry for the Email.
I need this chemical ××× for a study. If someone can spare either few grams or as solution, I would really appreciate it. We have it ordered and can replace.


Hello all,
Due to Harvey disrupting our deliveries, I find my self in desperate need of a decent amount of ×××. Should you be so kind as to help me here, I will be able to return this to you around 9/7.
Please let me know if you can help me out here.


Hello, would anyone mind sharing about 20 µL of the restriction enzyme ×××?
Once we receive our order, I can replace what I’ve borrowed. Thanks!

综合以上几个例子,我们可以总结出来一个套路,首先打个招呼,Hi all或者Hello;接着,表明这是一封垃圾邮件,Sorry for the spam,免得引起不满;下面,直陈其事,简单明了地说清楚你的目的,比如Does anyone have ×××? / I need ×××. 最后,表示感谢,Please let me know and thanks in advance. / I would really appreciate it. 当然,结尾处不要忘记再次感谢,Thanks!


Dear All,
Sorry for the spam!
I am looking for ×××. If you happen have it and would like to share few grams, I would really appreciate it!
Please let me know and THANKS in advance!
Best Wishes

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